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as I know, many people want to build website to show something, such as: blog, business site.
let me teach you how to build website by wordpress . let's go.
you need by one linux server
you can buy server, I recommend vultr, link is:
Click to sign up, new users get $100
ofcourse you also can buy other server, such as
搬瓦工(bandwagon): https://bwh81.net/
BlueHost(wordpress official recommend): https://www.bluehost.hk/
Site ground: https://world.siteground.com/
my server is vultr, I think it's cheap and faster, more Cost performance.
login to server
open bash tool(Mac) or cmd(windows) tool
input this command:
ssh root@ is your server ip address.
then input your password to login
install docker
update apt-get
sudo apt-get update
install packages
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
install docker GPG secret
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
set docker stable stock link
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
update apt-get
sudo apt-get update
install docker CE
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
checkout Docker server status
sudo systemctl status docker
install wordpress by docker
what is docker, if you don't know ,can click it:https://docker.p2hp.com/
search wordpress of docker
docker search wordpress
[root@MiWiFi-RC01-srv ~]# docker search wordpress
docker.io docker.io/wordpress The WordPress rich content management syst... 5260 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/bitnami/wordpress Bitnami container image for WordPress 224 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/bitnami/wordpress-nginx Bitnami Docker Image for WordPress with NGINX 75 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/rapidfort/wordpress RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Wo... 15
docker.io docker.io/appsvcorg/wordpress-alpine-php New WordPress image for AppService: https:... 14
docker.io docker.io/centurylink/wordpress WordPress image with MySQL removed. 14 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/wordpressdevelop/php PHP images for the WordPress local develop... 13
docker.io docker.io/wordpressdevelop/cli WP-CLI images for the WordPress local deve... 8
docker.io docker.io/ansibleplaybookbundle/wordpress-ha-apb An APB which deploys WordPress HA 5 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/wordpressdevelop/phpunit PHPUnit images for the WordPress local dev... 5
docker.io docker.io/vulhub/wordpress-4.6-rce WordPress 4.6 任意命令执行漏洞(PHPMailer) 2 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/bitnami/wordpress-intel 1
docker.io docker.io/bitnami/wordpress-k8s-rds-cnab CNAB bundle for WordPress on Kubernetes co... 1
docker.io docker.io/ellakcy/wordpressswithplugins A wordpress extention of original wordpres... 1
docker.io docker.io/securecodebox/old-wordpress Insecure & Outdated WordPress Instance: Ne... 1
docker.io docker.io/wordpresscharmers/wordpress The WordPress Kubernetes Image 1
docker.io docker.io/wordpressweb/boats 1
docker.io docker.io/avenga/wordpress 0
docker.io docker.io/betterweb/wordpress Docker WordPress with Redis 0
docker.io docker.io/bitnamicharts/wordpress 0
docker.io docker.io/blackflysolutions/wordpress 0
docker.io docker.io/clearlinux/wordpress 0
docker.io docker.io/corpusops/wordpress https://github.com/corpusops/docker-images/ 0
docker.io docker.io/secoresearch/wordpress Apache+PHP+Varnish+Wordpress 0 [OK]
docker.io docker.io/vulhub/wordpress 0
pull docker Image
docker pull wordpress
[root@MiWiFi-RC01-srv ~]# docker pull wordpress
Using default tag: latest
Trying to pull repository docker.io/library/wordpress ...
latest: Pulling from docker.io/library/wordpress
Digest: sha256:20b0b2c6c8f0ebe1317a427699578e581ec59c39e46fc408891c08dafccbbfd5
Status: Image is up to date for docker.io/wordpress:latest
run docker Image
docker run -d -p 8089:80 --name wordpress00 wordpress
[root@MiWiFi-RC01-srv ~]# docker run -d -p 80:80 --name wordpress00 wordpress
> -d forever running
> --name named
> -p port,Map port 80 to port 8089
> -v Mount file Local configuration to the php configuration file
> wordpress Image name
you can type this to show all containers
docker ps -a
install mysql
it's easy to install mysql by docker.
docker run -d -p 3301:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345678 --name mysql00 mysql:5.7
will download mysql Image and set root user password= 12345678
[root@MiWiFi-RC01-srv ~]# docker run -d -p 3301:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345678 --name mysql00 mysql:5.7
get into mysql and create mysql database
docker exec -it mysql00 /bin/bash
login to root
mysql -u root -p12345678
create database
create database blog;
you can check mysql databases
show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
| wordpress |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
setup wordpress
type you ip address and wordpress container port to chrome.
my port is 8089
mysql name is blog;
username is root
password is 12345678
mysql host is your address:3301, Imapped 3306 to 3301
table prefix can not fix
then you can set login info;
you can login and website install finish
If you have some questions , comment in article